ShowNTell – HTML5 Based Whiteboard Screen Recording & Publishing System

Dr Anand Bhojan


The project has the following outcomes.

-In general students reported through survey that the tool is useful, easy to use and saved their time in waiting for appointment from Instructors for face-to-face interactions. Students presented their progress and questions through showntell at their convenient time. Instructors found it easy to collectively see all the presentations and questions grouped under specific class-group for review and comment at his convenient time. Detailed outputs are shown in attached conference
paper (FIE, 2015).

-As shown in the survey results of the attached paper (FIE, 2015), most users indicated that ShowNTell is responsive, implying that our performance optimization techniques and management of data is adequate for our solution to deliver a responsive experience within a web browser. Users were able to create recordings up to 10 minutes or longer, showing that ShowNTell is capable of supporting recordings of sizeable duration.

-The tool is now available for public use through: Currently have about 200+ users. It is a browser based tool supports multiple browser platforms (including mobile browsers) It can be integrated with IVLE through a link to from IVLE main menu.