Self-access Language Learning Environments (SALLE) with a Common Back-end Authoring System for all Language Courses

Daniel CHAN Kwang Guan


The main project output are the various language learning portals for the respective language programmes, although only the German and Korean language programmes’ portals have been up and running for beta testing at the time of this report. These portals can be accessed at and respectively.
These portals are meant to be a one-stop website for both iearning and information purposes, with informative pages on the various modules offered (e.g. German 1 to German 6), Faculty staff information, General Information about the language programme, the landing page for the exercise type apps and games, list of podcasts for students’ review of the lessons, and an AV room containing all the audio-visual resources that students can refer to for their additional exposure to and learning of the target foreign language. It can be expected that the two complex applications (i.e. Vocab Book and Interactive Situation Simulation) will be integrated into the portal once they are up and running.

The project has also churned out the following international conference paper presentations
Chan, Daniel K.G. & Chan, W.M. (Nov, 2018) Promoting autonomous learning through a self­access language learning portal for foreign languages. Paper presented at WorldCALL, University of Concepcion, Chile.
Chan, Daniel K.G. (Aug, 2018) Creating a self-access learning platform for language learning. Paper presented at GloCALL [Globalization and Localization in Computer Assisted Language Learning], Xi’An Liverpool University, China.
Chan, W.M., & Chi, S.W. (.July, 2018). Creating interactive Korean language learning materials for blended learning: The SALLE project. Paper presented at the 28th international Conference on Korean Language Education, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea.
Chan, Daniel K.G. (Jun, 2018) La creation d’un portai/ d’apprentissage en acces fibre. Paper presented at Colloque international sur la didactique des langues/cultures etrangeres, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China.