Response in Emergency Safety and Civil strUcture Evaluation (RESCUE)

Alfred Kow


The main achievable aims from this project are:
1. Allow CE students to use VR/MR to design a structure according to key principals taught in CE. However, a mistake will be simulated so that a mass casualty disaster will be created. CE students will then witness the outcome if a mistake is created in building a civil structure, so as to assess the impact of their design decisions on future emergency response scenarios.
2. Healthcare learners and civil defence responders will learn about the key principals of safety at rescue mission as well as triaging steps in mass casualty to maximise positive outcomes in the mission.
3. Project and facilities management (PFM) students will learn about the key activities in conducting an accident investigation and principles of effective construction safety management.
4. Proof of concept that Virtual Reality/ Mixed Reality technology is applicable in mass casualty rescue training, structural design and accident investigation.
5. Inter-professional education can be conducted using this pedagogy to enhance communication and interactions between different faculty.
6. Augmentation of existing learning tools – potentially to decongest the overused locations such as simulation but achieving the same learning outcomes.
7. If implemented successfully, we will be able to expand this application to other areas including military training.
We will be working with vendors who are experts in VR/MR technology to try to develop the game, in the process, we will also orientate the learning tool to suit the need for healthcare and other professional education such as civil engineering and construction safety management training.
Based on existing curriculum in the various schools in NUS, there are no such training provided especially when it comes to inter-professional training pedagogy. So this will be a unique opportunity to conduct this project in NUS.