MarkBind Pro: A Tool for Creating Variants of Web-based Learning Materials

Damith C Rajapakse


MarkBind to be used by instructors to create WBLM that replaces or complements other formats (e.g., PDF) leading to,
A. More reuse, more collaboration → better content for students: We expect a higher level of content reuse in/among modules using MarkBind i.e. the reused content is maintained collectively and collaboratively as a single source, rather than the usual duplicate-and-diverge strategy, resulting in time savings for instructors and higher quality content for students.
B. More flexibility for students when engaging with learning materials: We expect students to take advantage of the flexibility in WBLM to craft their own path of learning and engage with content more.
C. [Supplementary] training value and the effect on NUS reputation: As MarkBind is also suitable as a tool for technical documentation, we aim to get industry projects to adopt MarkDown as a documentation tool. If we succeed, it means a product created by our students is used by the industry, which will boost SoC/NUS reputation among the future employers of our students. At the same time, our students will get to work in a product used by others, which is a valuable training opportunity for our students.