Buildings Can Influence My Health?! – Using SDE Well Buildings, Wearables, and Data Science to Learn about Buildings’ Impact on Occupant Well Being

Clayton Miller, Andre Müller


The main aim of this project is to enable students with emerging data science skills to create their own data sets towards the personal quantification of wellness-related attributes of the built environment. Through the use of a smartwatches, students will create a miniexperiment in the campus buildings of SDE 1-4 and collect personal information to create presentations which are aimed at enabling students to:
1. Identify the impact that various building design decision have on their health.
2. Explain the different types of wellness-related aspects of the built environment such as light, noise, comfort, privacy, and physical activity. Collect and process personal data related to human perception of wellness related building design features
4. Visualize and analyze the resultant generated data for presentation to their peers.