Automated Generation of Questions in Formal Domains: Pilot Study on High School Geometry

Martin Henz


In this project, we firstly propose a framework and a novel algorithm that can generate and solve questions in high school geometry. The framework performs several tasks.
Firstly, we are able to generate questions which involves finding or proving relationships between domain-objects based on a specification of the objects, concepts and theorems to be covered by the questions.
Secondly, our system allows users to generate questions according to user-defined criteria. Lastly, it generates
solutions of the generated questions, proving the validity of the generated questions.
Thirdly, we apply the proposed framework to large-scale educational systems such as MOOCs, removing the current limit on available questions and enabling them to generate new questions for every user on the fly, as and when they are needed.
Expected Results
1) Usable system for large-scale generation of questions in high school geometry
2) Evaluation methodology that clearly delineates success criteria and a concrete process to measure the degree to which a system meets these criteria
3) Evaluate the developed system in (1) with respect to the methodology in (2), using teachers and student volunteers