Enhancing PBL with Digital Technology: A Customer Journey Mapping & Service Blueprinting Tool and PBL Modules

Saisudha Rajagopal


An initial exploratory proof-of-concept resulted in the understanding that integrating the service blueprinting into the tool will limit some of the flexibility in the method. Service Blueprinting is a method allows for depicting the multiple channels of engagement for any service as parallels swim lanes. However, due to the limitation in the technical implementation of dynamic swim lanes, gave the realization that integrating service blueprint will limit the method’s flexibility which would defeat the purpose of existence of the tool. The screenshots of this exploratory Proof-of-concept can be found in Appendix B-Fig 1. Instead of the Service Blueprint, a web application dashboard was built,
• An android application that allows research participants to capture their experiences real-time in the form of qualitative and quantitative data, and plots it as a journey map. The android application allows users to self-create a journey or add additional touchpoints in the course of their set journey, see Appendix B – Fig 3
• A web application that presents a real-time view of the field researchers, their individual rating and an aggregated view of all field researchers’ activity and rating in a dashboard. In addition to aggregated data, the dashboard also depicts service gaps between the expected journey and actual journey, see Appendix B – Fig 2.
• Results of the evaluation of the tool in enhancing learning value and promoting adoption and sustained use.