PRESCRIBE – A Mobile Game to Train Health Profession Learners on Safe Prescribing in Clinical Practice

Alfred Kow


PRESCRIBE aims to create a total of 15 to 20 games in a single platform to train health professional students in safe prescribing through interactive games which emphasize on the principles of safe prescribing medicine. It will be divided into different focuses. Firstly, the basic principles of pharmacology knowledge will be available to all the learners (nursing, medical and others). Secondly, junior medical and master of nursing students (Phase 11/111) will learn the intermediate level of prescribing principles and to do that safely. In this respect, the nursing students will learn the safe dispensing principles. Thirdly, senior medical students (year IV and V) and advanced nursing students (masters or APN) can learn advanced level of prescribing and safe dispensing, including drug interactions, dose adjustments etc. From the nursing and pharmacy perspectives, dispensing and serving medications as well as monitoring of effects of pharmaco-therapies can also be incorporated accordingly.
Gamification (using PRESCRIBE serious games) in safe prescribing can be an important tool to enhance the leaners’ experience in this topic. In fact, as gaming can allow the students to repeatedly experience the game till the concepts are solid. It can allow the students to practice in a safe environment before engaging in real clinical practice.
Pre and post-test results will be analyzed to evaluate knowledge/skills gained. Data will be collected to analyze behavioural change as well as change in the level of understanding of safe prescribing as they progress from year 2 to 5. We will also conduct longitudinal study to track the performance and long-term impact of the game.
We hope to use our study as a cornerstone to develop a sustainable, effective technology-enhanced simulation to teach safe prescribing for students in healthcare education (medical and nursing) and well as safe dispensing for the nursing and pharmacy students.